Panel Discussion: The AI Effect on Credit Worthiness

ForHumanity AT->GO Conference: Accountability & Trust Powered by Governance & Oversight

On September 9, 2021, senior practitioners and decision makers in the financial services industry came together to examine the shortcomings and opportunities of automating the credit provisioning process. Are we doing it right?

This panel worked to answer that question by focusing on three key factors of AI: people, data, and algorithms. They also explored how an Independent Audit of AI Systems (IAAIS) can serve as a framework from which progress is achieved within the context of ethics, bias, privacy, trust and cybersecurity.

Quite a lot was covered in ninety minutes, so for your on-demand convenience, we are breaking it down into a series of bite sized pieces. Enjoy!

Source: ForHumanity

Sales Enablement Tools and Assets

Client: Cloudera.

North Castle Integration collaborated with Cloudera and their partners to develop the thought leadership content for a variety of sales training tools and assets, including: webinars, eBook, infographic, customer success paper, solution brief, and a blog post series.

Source: Cloudera

Source: Cloudera

Webinar: Moving Towards the Next Gen Financial Crime Platform

Client: Cloudera. Aired on December 03, 2019.

Financial services institutions lost over $1.5 trillion in combined revenue to financial crimes in 2018. Organizations today need a next-generation financial crimes platform that breaks down traditional silos across AML, fraud, cybersecurity, and surveillance, and leverages the power of analytics and machine learning to effectively simulate, predict, and prevent crimes. Paul Lashmet joins Cloudera and Quantexa to explain how an analytics and machine learning led approach can more effectively fight financial crime.

Spotlight on Innovation: A Trader’s Journey to Python and Beyond

Client: O’Reilly Media Aired on May 8, 2019.

North Castle Integration wrote the backstory and brought in the speaker for this O’Reilly Spotlight on Innovation episode, “A Trader’s Journey to Python and Beyond

Video: Integrating Insights

Clients: Squirro and Salesforce (Einstein). First Published on TabbForum, March 01, 2019

On December 12, 2018, and then again on January 16, 2019, North Castle Integration convened two groups of senior executives from some of the world’s leading financial services institutions to explore how they would integrate machine learning methods directly into business processes. In these sessions we used the AI capabilities of Squirro and Salesforce Einstein to demonstrate. This video presents the results of that investigation. It's a lot of information to fit into a few minutes, so feel free to reach out to to schedule live demos. The demos will give you a practical understanding of operationalizing AI and integrating insights.

On December 12, 2018 and then again on January 16, 2019, we convened two groups of senior executives from some of the world's leading financial services institutions to explore how we would integrate machine learning methods directly into business processes. In these sessions we used the AI capabilities of Squirro and Salesforce Einstein to demonstrate.

Video: Commercial Real Estate: Location Based Risk Assessment

Clients: Arcadia Data and Pitney Bowes

Enable your portfolio managers to quickly analyze risk and opportunities across their entire commercial real estate portfolio. See here for more information from @ArcadiaData and @PitneyBowes.

Speaking engagement: Real Time Trade Surveillance Is Not Just About Trade Data

Client: Arcadia Data. London Strata Data Conference, September 2018.

Paul Lashmet explains how alternative data sources enhance trade surveillance by providing a deeper understanding of the intent of trading activities. See here @ArcadiaData for more information.

Video: Combat Financial Crime with Location Intelligence

Intelligence – artificial or real – is only as good as the information it uses. Location intelligence helps contextualize a situation and can augment machine learning and other applications of artificial intelligence. How can location intelligence be applied to regulatory compliance initiatives to help combat financial crime? This video accompanies the article by Kenneth Goodwin, Jeanensis Capital Markets, and Paul Lashmet, North Castle Integration called, "Use Location Intelligence to Combat Financial Crime" and featured in TabbFORUM.

Video: A Discussion About Alternative Data (2016)

This is a video I did way back in 2016 about Alternative Data when it was just starting to be a thing. I think it it still relevant. Enjoy!